If you are considering adoption, you more than likely being introduced to various methods and arrangements for how this process can be carried out. One such arrangement is an open adoption. This arrangement does not quite mean what it may sound like at first.
What is Open Adoption?
Birth parents are required to terminate their legal parental rights. However, they may still want a part in their child's life.
Adoptive parents are legally the only parents an adopted child will have. However, sometimes birth parents don’t want their children to grow up never knowing who they are or not having any relationship with them.
In fact, a majority of adoptions that take place in the U.S. have some degree of openness, whereas a little more than half are completely open. This is a stark contrast to what most people believe – and what was once true – that all lines of communication between birth parents and their children were severed upon adoption.
A birth parent’s involvement in a child’s life might sound problematic for people who are thinking about adopting a child, but in most instances the degree of openness depends upon with the birth parents and adoptive parents agree upon.
Birth parents who want an open adoption are typically looking for arrangements such as the following:
- Email exchanges about how their child is doing
- Pictures of their child as he or she is growing up
- Connections via social media
- Regular phone calls and texts
- Scheduled in-person visits
The Benefits of an Open Adoption
While an open adoption may seem overwhelming, many families with an open adoption don’t find the arrangement to be burdensome, inconvenient, or to have a negative impact upon the child. In fact, some studies suggest that children involved in open adoptions may have higher levels of self-esteem and less behavioral problems, among other positive benefits.
It’s understandable why people who want to adopt a child may be wary about any amount of involvement the birth parent may have in their child’s life, but the child will live with their adoptive parents, grow up with their traditions, and benefit from their life lessons. By no means are open adoptions co-parenting arrangements.
Are You Considering Adoption?
No matter what kind of adoption you are considering, Bundren Law Firm can help. Our attorney in Oklahoma can provide the legal advice and services you need to make the best possible decisions for your family.
If you’re interested in learning more about our services, schedule a consultation by calling (918) 992-3300 or by contacting us online.